Every single detail of our products is
the result of an accurate engineering
design process, we develop the
racing components that weigh no
one gram more than necessary.
The beauty of the lightness became
tangible throughout the design,
perspective and lines have
been drawn to push over the
We use the best technologies to
produce the racing accessories with
maximum care possible.
By making a constant qualityoriented
investments, by using of
CNC machines and the best titanium,
aluminum and steel alloys, we make
high technology accessories to
obtain the best performance during
the race competitions.
We are ever ready to assist our
customers and to provide them with
the best solutions to optimize their
mode to run the bike.
We are able to develop new racing
accessories and improve our
products based on the reciprocal
feedback. Our aftersales staff can
solve any problems with maximum
care and efficiency possible.
The Italian culture leads us to
appreciate the beauty that is
transmitted in all our products.