
Spina Tirewarmers

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  • €318,95
  • Regular price €303,95
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Capit tyrewarmers are design to ensure the tyre to reach quickly the preset temperature,

keeping it constantly and without changes. An aluminium sheet keeps the heat inside spreading it out on the tyre
homogeneously. The self-regulating Capit cable is indestructible and doesn’t ruin if crushed by the weight of bike or car.
Being very durable it excludes the risk of electric shock even after many years. Today, Capit exports made in Italy quality
all over the world and its products are used by the main MotoGP teams.

TECHNOLOGY/TECNOLOGIA: Spina tyrewarmers are design to ensure the tyre to reach quickly the preset temperature
(85 C°-185 °F) without the use of a thermostat (TNT technology), keeping it constantly and without changes

EXTERNAL COATING: impermeable to any liquid
INNER LINING: anti-wear e fireproof
INTERNAL FABRIC: Insulation wadding
OTHER FEATURES: silicone power cable resistant up to 200 °C,
velcro closure, operation check lamp, Ripstop fabric

EXTERNAL COATING: impermeable to any liquid
INNER LINING: anti-wear and fireproof
INTERNAL FABRIC: Heat Spreader, a highly conductive aluminum fabric
OTHER FEATURES: silicone power cable resistant up to 200 °C,
velcro closure, operation check lamp, Ripstop fabric

EXTERNAL COATING: impermeable to any liquid
INNER LINING: anti-wear and fireproof
INTERNAL FABRIC: Heat Spreader, a highly conductive aluminum fabric
OTHER FEATURES: Spherical Shape*, silicone power cable resistant
up to 200 °C, velcro closure, operation check lamp, Ripstop fabric